a flavor twist on traditional pizzelles

you may be wondering why your cookieblogger is talking pizzelles today, deep in the midst of summer. yes, i admit they are front and center on most christmas tables, due to their snowflake-like appearance, but, dear friend, pizzelles are even more at home in the heat of summer! what cookie is light and refreshing with a bowl of fruit or ice cream — yet with one quick ‘flick of the wrist’ can turn from cookie into delectable ice cream cone?! and pizzelles are loved by adults and kids alike, so they’re great for a light dessert cookie on your bbq table!

one of the comments i often hear regarding pizzelles is that the traditional anise flavoring is not everyone’s favorite taste. it’s understandable that anise can be an acquired taste, and may be a bit too intense, especially for children who have not grown up with it. but that’s one of the joys of baking pizzelles — you can choose whichever flavor you prefer, and, as you’ll see in this recipe, an excellent pure vanilla extract works very well to make a pizzelle that’s both flavorful and cookie-eater-friendly!

remember you need to have a pizzelle iron to make these cookies. i use the villaware v3600-ns prego nonstick pizzelle baker and have been using one for years. this machine makes thin and crispy cookies, is quite easy to work with, and is virtually indestructible!

lastly, many bakers shy away from these cookies, assuming they are difficult to make! nothing could be farther from the truth! the batter is very easy to make, the pizzelle baker is easy to use, and these cookies are quick and easy to create! give them a try and let me know what you think!

vanilla pizzelles
6 eggs
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups baker’s sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract
1 cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled a bit
4 teaspoons baking powder

1. melt butter (microwave works fine for this!) and let cool.
2. preheat pizzelle maker according to machine instructions.
3. mix eggs and sugar until well-blended.
4. add cooled butter and vanilla extract.
5. sift flour and baking powder into the wet ingredients until well-combined and smooth. dough will be a bit sticky.
6. drop by teaspoonful (i use a #100 zeroll scoop) in the center of each wafer spot on the pizzelle maker.
7. check for desired ‘color’ (this may be as quick as 1 minute) and lift out with a fork to a wire rack for complete cooling.
8. when all pizzelles are completely cool, sift some confectioner’s sugar on each cookie. store in covered container. they will stay fresh for at least one week, though they usually don’t last that long!
yield: approximately 50-55 cookies

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